The Audi S6 or S7?

Occasionally, different car models have a huge spread of different statistics which keep them apart, and potential buyers can spend hours pouring through options in order to make the perfect choice.

Not so the Audi S6 and S7! These sister cars both sport a 420 brake horsepower, a 4.0 litre V8 engine, with a twin turbo option available.

They both feature permanent all-wheel drive and seven-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox. When it comes down to performance, the figures look almost identical – no surprise given the parallels in the machinery.

So, what is there for the consumer to determine which of these cars to buy?

Well, the S6 is a four-door sedan whereas the S7 is styled as a five-door hatchback. For most people, determining which model is right for them is going to come completely down to the body design.

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